reverse engineering VMware Cloud Director API
As a continuation to my Cloud Director automation story, I started to dig a bit more into API calls used for configuring Cloud Director. Process is fairly simple, just turn on network monitoring in chrome developer tools and you can see which API calls the HTML5 portal does when actions are initiated. I got couple basics done, adding vCenter and NSX-T manager, after which I already made quite significant learnings. One is that I now know why the API calls are not documented, they're completely inconsistent and there's pretty much no consistency across. Would be quite difficult to document :) In practice those two actions mean four API calls, three of them different. Add certificate as trusted (done twice, for both vCenter and NSX-T certificate) https://{vcd_url}/cloudapi/1.0.0/ssl/trustedCertificates Register vCenter https://{vcd_url}/api/admin/extension/action/registervimserver Register NSX-T https://{vcd_url}/api/admin/extension/nsxtManagers First when